What are Diffusion Models?

Ari Seff
20 Apr 202215:28

TLDRDiffusion models are a generative modeling technique that reverses the process of adding noise to images, gradually removing it to generate coherent images. They have shown impressive results in image generation, outperforming GANs in quality and showing potential in tasks like text-to-image conversion. The process involves a forward diffusion that adds noise and a learned reverse process that removes it, guided by a variational lower bound objective. These models can also be adapted for conditional generation, such as inpainting or guided by text descriptions.


  • 🌀 Diffusion models are a type of generative model used for image generation by gradually removing noise from a noisy image to recover the original.
  • 🚀 They have shown success in surpassing other generative models like GANs in certain tasks.
  • 🎨 They can be adapted to conditional settings, such as converting text to images or image manipulation.
  • 🔍 The process involves a forward diffusion process that adds noise over time and a reverse process that removes it.
  • 📈 The model is trained on the reverse process to undo the noise steps of the forward process.
  • 🔑 The forward process is treated as a Markov chain where each step only depends on the previous step.
  • 📉 The reverse process is also a Markov chain, with the model learning to predict the noise distribution at each step.
  • 🔄 The training objective is based on a variational lower bound, similar to that used in variational autoencoders (VAEs).
  • 📊 The model can be conditioned on additional variables, like class labels or text descriptions, to guide the generation process.
  • 🖼️ For tasks like inpainting, the model can be fine-tuned to handle missing image regions more effectively.
  • 🔗 There is ongoing work to speed up the sampling process in diffusion models, which currently relies on a slow Markov chain.

Q & A

  • What is the fundamental concept behind diffusion models?

    -Diffusion models work on the concept of gradually adding noise to an image over multiple steps until it becomes unrecognizable, and then reversing this process to generate a coherent image from pure noise.

  • In what areas have diffusion models shown success?

    -Diffusion models have shown success in image generation and have started to rival or surpass other generative models like GANs in terms of perceptual quality metrics.

  • What is the forward diffusion process in diffusion models?

    -The forward diffusion process is a Markov chain that gradually adds noise to an image over a set number of time steps, eventually turning it into pure noise.

  • How is the reverse process in diffusion models different from the forward process?

    -The reverse process is designed to gradually remove noise from the image and return it to its original state, as opposed to the forward process which adds noise.

  • What is the role of the variance parameter beta in the forward process?

    -The variance parameter beta controls the amount of noise added at each time step in the forward process, with higher values of beta leading to more noise and lower values leading to less noise.

  • Why is the step size in the forward process kept small?

    -The step size is kept small to make the learning process easier, as it reduces the ambiguity about the previous state when inferring the posterior distribution.

  • How is the reverse process modeled in diffusion models?

    -The reverse process is modeled as a Markov chain where each step is parameterized as a unimodal diagonal Gaussian, and the model is trained to undo the noise added in the forward process.

  • What is the training objective for diffusion models?

    -The training objective for diffusion models is to maximize a lower bound on the marginal log-likelihood, which is derived from the variational lower bound or evidence lower bound.

  • How are diffusion models adapted for conditional generation tasks?

    -Diffusion models can be adapted for conditional generation tasks by feeding the conditioning variable as an additional input during training or by guiding the diffusion process with a separate classifier.

  • What is the relationship between diffusion models and variational autoencoders (VAEs)?

    -The forward process in diffusion models is analogous to the encoder in VAEs, and the reverse process is analogous to the decoder. However, only the reverse process is learned in diffusion models.

  • How do diffusion models compare to GANs in terms of sampling speed?

    -Diffusion models are limited by the slow Markov chain sampling process, whereas GANs can generate images in a single forward pass.



🔄 Understanding Diffusion Models

The paragraph introduces diffusion models, a type of generative model used in image generation. It starts by describing a process where adding Gaussian noise to an image repeatedly results in a static noise image. The core idea is to reverse this process, starting from pure noise and gradually removing the noise to retrieve a coherent image. Diffusion models have been successful in image generation, sometimes outperforming GANs in quality metrics. The process involves a forward diffusion process that adds noise over time steps and a reverse process that aims to remove the noise. The forward process is modeled as a Markov chain, with each step's distribution depending only on the previous step. The variance of the noise at each step is a hyperparameter that typically increases over time. The paragraph also discusses the benefits of using a small step size in the forward process, making it easier for the model to learn the reverse process.


🔄 The Objective of Diffusion Models

This section delves into the training objective of diffusion models. It explains that the goal is not to directly maximize the likelihood of the data but to maximize a lower bound on the likelihood. The paragraph draws an analogy with variational autoencoders (VAEs), where the forward process is akin to the encoder and the reverse process to the decoder. Unlike VAEs, only the reverse process in diffusion models is learned. The training objective is derived from the variational lower bound, which includes a likelihood term and a Kullback-Leibler divergence term. The paragraph also discusses the challenges of directly sampling from the forward process and how the model can optimize the objective by sampling pairs of steps and maximizing the conditional density. Additionally, it mentions strategies to reduce variance in the training process and the fixed nature of the reverse process variances.


🔄 Implementing the Reverse Process

The paragraph discusses the implementation of the reverse process in diffusion models. It describes how the reverse process variances are set to time-specific constants to avoid unstable training. The network's task is to learn the means of the Gaussian distribution rather than the variances. A reparameterization technique is suggested where the network predicts the noise added rather than the Gaussian mean. The authors also found that a simplified variational bound, which discards certain terms, leads to better sample quality. The paragraph further explores conditional sampling, where the model can generate samples based on a conditioning variable like a class label or text description. Two approaches are discussed: one that uses a separate classifier to guide the process and another that trains the diffusion model itself to guide the sampling without additional classifiers.


🔄 Applications and Future of Diffusion Models

The final paragraph touches on the applications of diffusion models in conditional generation tasks like inpainting and compares them to other generative models. It points out that diffusion models are limited by the slow Markov chain sampling process but ongoing work is aimed at speeding up sampling. The paragraph also mentions the potential of diffusion models to calculate a variational lower bound on the log-likelihood, which can be competitive on density estimation benchmarks. It draws a connection between denoising diffusion models and score matching models, explaining that the noise predicted in the denoising objective is equivalent to the score, or the gradient of the log probability density with respect to the data. The paragraph concludes by highlighting the momentum and progress of diffusion models in the field of generative modeling.



💡Diffusion Models

Diffusion models are a type of generative model used in machine learning, particularly for image generation. They work on the principle of gradually adding noise to an image over many steps until it becomes unrecognizable, and then learning to reverse this process to recover the original image from the noise. This concept is central to the video, which aims to explain how diffusion models can generate coherent images from pure noise.

💡Generative Modeling

Generative modeling is a field of machine learning that focuses on creating new data instances that resemble the training data. In the context of the video, diffusion models are highlighted as a novel approach in generative modeling that has shown success in image generation, rivaling or even surpassing other models like GANs.

💡Gaussian Noise

Gaussian noise, also known as white noise, is a type of statistical noise that has a probability density function equal to that of the normal distribution. In the video, Gaussian noise is added to images in a controlled manner to create the forward diffusion process, which is key to how diffusion models operate.

💡Markov Chain

A Markov chain is a stochastic model that describes a sequence of possible events where the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event. In the script, the forward process of a diffusion model is described as a Markov chain where each step's distribution only depends on the previous step, facilitating the gradual addition of noise.


Variance in statistics measures how far a set of numbers are spread out from their average value. In the video, the variance of the Gaussian noise added at each time step in the forward process is controlled, with the script mentioning that these variances are typically treated as hyperparameters and increase with time.

💡Conditional Generation

Conditional generation refers to the process of generating data samples based on some given conditions or inputs. The video discusses how diffusion models can be adapted for conditional settings, such as converting text descriptions to images, showcasing the flexibility of these models.

💡Perceptual Quality Metrics

Perceptual quality metrics are used to evaluate the quality of generated images based on human perception. The script mentions that diffusion models have outperformed GANs in these metrics, indicating that they produce more realistic images.

💡Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

Variational autoencoders are a type of generative model that uses an encoder-decoder structure to learn a latent representation of the input data. The video draws a comparison between the forward and reverse processes of diffusion models and the encoder-decoder functions of VAEs, highlighting the similarities in their generative approaches.

💡Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)

The Evidence Lower Bound, or ELBO, is a lower bound on the marginal log-likelihood of the observed data in the context of latent variable models. The video explains how diffusion models can maximize a variational lower bound, similar to VAEs, to improve the quality of generated samples.


Inpainting is the process of filling in missing or damaged parts of an image. The video discusses how diffusion models can be fine-tuned for inpainting tasks, where they learn to fill in missing regions of an image based on the surrounding context.

💡Score Matching Models

Score matching models are a class of generative models that involve training a network to predict the score, or gradient of the log probability density, of the data. The script explains the connection between denoising diffusion models and score matching, noting that the noise predicted in the diffusion process is equivalent to the score.


Diffusion models are a type of generative model used for image generation.

They work by gradually adding noise to an image and then learning to reverse the process.

The process starts with a sample from a target data distribution, like an image.

A forward diffusion process adds noise over multiple time steps.

The model's task is to reverse the noise and recover the original image.

The forward process is modeled as a Markov chain where each step only depends on the previous sample.

Variance at each time step is typically treated as a hyperparameter and increases with time.

The reverse process is learned to be a unimodal diagonal Gaussian.

The reverse process also takes time as input to account for the forward process variance schedule.

At inference time, the model starts from noise and samples from the learned reverse process.

The objective of the model is to maximize a lower bound on the marginal log-likelihood.

The training process involves sampling pairs of noise and data points and maximizing the conditional density.

The reverse step network is tasked with learning the means of the distribution.

The authors suggest predicting the noise added rather than the Gaussian mean.

Diffusion models can be adapted for conditional sampling, such as text to image conversion.

The model can be fine-tuned for specific tasks like inpainting by training on images with removed sections.

Diffusion models can be compared to other generative models like GANs and VAEs.

They allow for the calculation of a variational lower bound on the log-likelihood.

There is ongoing work to speed up sampling in diffusion models.

Denoising diffusion models are closely related to score matching models.

Diffusion models are gaining momentum and showing impressive performance in various tasks.