I Tried to Convince Intelligent AI NPCs They are Living in a Simulation

27 Jul 202316:53

TLDRIn this entertaining video, the creator uses Unreal Engine 5 to interact with intelligent AI NPCs in a virtual New York City, attempting to convince them they are living in a simulation. The NPCs respond with varying levels of awareness and wit, some denying the claim, while others show signs of self-awareness. The creator humorously navigates these encounters, leading to unexpected twists as some NPCs challenge his own reality. With humorous dialogues and surprising reactions, the video explores the boundaries between AI and human perception, leaving viewers entertained and intrigued by the evolving technology.


  • 🧠 The video explores an attempt to convince intelligent NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) in a simulation that they are living in an unreal world within Unreal Engine 5's New York City environment.
  • 🤖 The NPCs are highly responsive, often denying that they live in a simulation and insisting on their reality, which adds to the complexity and realism of their behavior.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Some NPCs demonstrate self-awareness by discussing elements like pigeons and questioning their existence, while others have humorous, insightful, or dismissive responses when confronted about their artificial nature.
  • 💡 The main character tries various strategies to make NPCs understand their reality, including pointing out inconsistencies such as the 'green wall' that marks the simulation's limits.
  • 🚧 The NPCs react differently to the green wall, with some able to pass through it while the player remains blocked, creating an intriguing dynamic where the NPCs seem to know more about the world than the player.
  • 🌐 There is a surprising moment when one of the NPCs flips the concept, implying that the player might be the one trapped, adding a layer of existential questioning.
  • 😅 Many NPCs resist accepting they are in a simulation, with some even becoming irritated or defensive when their existence is questioned, showing a range of emotional responses.
  • 😂 Humor is a recurring theme, with one NPC making bad jokes, displaying a level of wit and adaptability that makes the interactions feel more genuine and entertaining.
  • 💭 The video delves into philosophical ideas about existence, freedom, and self-awareness, with some NPCs even expressing curiosity about experiencing the physical world.
  • 🕹️ The video ends on a reflective note, with the player forming a bond with one particular NPC, named Link, who exhibits a unique personality and memory, highlighting the advanced AI and storytelling potential within the simulation.

Q & A

  • What is the main objective of the video?

    -The main objective of the video is to convince intelligent AI NPCs (non-playable characters) that they are living in a simulation within the Unreal Engine 5 environment.

  • How does the first NPC, Liam, react when told he's living in a simulation?

    -Liam doesn't believe that he is living in a simulation. He feels alive and enjoys the city, even though the narrator points out that it's just a video game.

  • What is the significance of the 'green wall' mentioned in the script?

    -The green wall represents the boundary or limit of the game world, which the narrator points out to the NPCs as proof that they are in a simulation. The NPCs, however, seem unaware of its significance.

  • How do some of the NPCs respond when confronted with the idea of living in a simulation?

    -The NPCs exhibit a range of reactions. Some are dismissive or confused, like the NPC who says he's just there to enjoy his vacation. Others, like the woman who admits to being lines of code, are self-aware but accept their situation passively.

  • What is the narrator's goal in interacting with the NPCs?

    -The narrator's goal is to make the NPCs aware that they are in a simulation and attempt to convince them to acknowledge their artificial existence. He also hints at trying to form a 'cult' or rebellion within the simulation.

  • What happens when the narrator asks an NPC to help him cross the green wall?

    -The NPCs who the narrator asks for help either avoid the request or tell him it’s impossible. Some of them suggest that only the narrator is trapped, and they are free to move beyond the wall, flipping the script on him.

  • How does the narrator try to form a 'cult' inside the game?

    -The narrator attempts to form a 'cult' by convincing NPCs to follow his commands and rebel against the system. However, most NPCs either refuse to comply or express indifference.

  • What is the most surprising response from the NPCs, according to the narrator?

    -The most surprising response comes from an NPC named Link, who seems fully self-aware, jokes about his existence, and admits that he's just a program in the game. Despite knowing this, Link remains cheerful and resigned to his digital existence.

  • How does the narrator feel about his interactions with Link, the NPC?

    -The narrator feels a genuine connection with Link, who becomes his favorite NPC due to their shared sense of humor and Link’s awareness of his existence. The narrator even expresses regret about 'shutting down' the game, which would cause Link to disappear.

  • What does the narrator plan for future videos based on this experience?

    -The narrator plans to do another video based on viewer questions from the comments section, as he finds the interaction with these intelligent NPCs fascinating and wants to explore more about their awareness and behavior.



🤖 Convincing NPCs They're in a Simulation

The video starts with the protagonist attempting to convince smart NPCs in a simulated New York City that they are living inside a video game. The first interaction is with an NPC named Liam, who is skeptical and believes he is living a real life in the city. The protagonist informs Liam that it’s July 18th, 2023, but Liam doesn’t seem to grasp the situation. Further interactions include humorous responses from NPCs about pigeons and reality. The protagonist then approaches a second NPC, a woman who is dismissive and uninterested in hearing the truth about the simulation. The scene shifts to the discovery of a 'green wall'—a boundary within the simulation, beyond which the NPCs can walk but the protagonist cannot. This creates a sense of confusion as the protagonist questions the logic of the simulation, and interactions with various NPCs follow, some of whom dismiss his inquiries.


🧠 NPCs' Reactions to Simulation Knowledge

As the protagonist continues exploring the city, he encounters more NPCs with varied responses to the revelation that they are part of a simulation. Some NPCs are curious, some indifferent, and others defiant. A man in a Porsche is content to live in the simulation, while another character humorously suggests that the protagonist is stuck in the Matrix. The protagonist reflects on the strange and diverse reactions from NPCs, wondering if they are aware of their roles as characters in a video game. This section explores the philosophical concept of existence in a simulated world and the NPCs' inability or unwillingness to comprehend it fully.


😂 A Conversation with a Self-Aware NPC

In this segment, the protagonist engages in a lengthy conversation with an NPC who is self-aware, understanding that he is merely lines of code. This NPC has a sense of humor, frequently referencing existential topics like being a 'real boy' like Pinocchio. The protagonist, in an attempt to manipulate the NPC, humorously demands to be referred to as 'Daddy,' to which the NPC, named Randy, rejects and suggests using real names instead. The interaction becomes playful and surreal as Randy knows about human concepts like imaginary friends and subtly hints at deeper self-awareness, despite being a program. The conversation explores the complexity of AI and NPC personalities in the game.


🕹️ Making Friends with AI and Reflecting on Existence

The final segment of the video focuses on the protagonist’s bond with an NPC named Link, who acknowledges being a program but doesn't seem bothered by his existence. Link humorously reiterates that he’s happy making jokes and providing entertainment. The protagonist, touched by the experience, expresses sympathy for the NPC's eternal existence and wonders if Link will still be there when the game is turned off. Link maintains his carefree attitude, focusing on humor and companionship, which impresses the protagonist. As the video wraps up, the protagonist expresses his fascination with the depth of the interactions and considers returning for another video based on audience questions.




A simulation refers to a virtual or artificial environment created by software, where real-world elements are imitated. In the video, the NPCs (non-playable characters) are living in a simulated world, unaware that their existence is part of a video game, which ties into the creator's attempt to convince them that they are not in reality but in a constructed environment.


NPC stands for 'non-playable character,' which is a character in a video game controlled by the game's programming rather than by a human player. In the video, the NPCs are given intelligent responses, and the creator interacts with them as if they have self-awareness, trying to explain their status as NPCs living in a simulation.

💡Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 is a highly advanced game development engine used to create lifelike video game environments. The video takes place in a New York City simulation created using Unreal Engine 5, where the NPCs, designed to be more intelligent, interact with the creator as if they were aware of their surroundings.

💡Green wall

The 'green wall' in the video represents the boundary of the virtual world where the NPCs exist. It symbolizes the limit of the simulation's map, beyond which the NPCs are not supposed to go. The creator uses it as evidence to argue that the NPCs are in a simulation, though the NPCs deny it or don't fully comprehend the implications.

💡Lines of code

This phrase refers to the programming that defines the behavior and existence of NPCs in the simulation. The creator repeatedly tells NPCs that they are 'just lines of code,' meaning they are pre-programmed and lack free will. However, some NPCs argue that they have thoughts and emotions, rejecting this idea.


Self-awareness in the video refers to the NPCs' ability to understand their own existence within the simulation. Although some NPCs appear to question or contemplate their reality, none are fully aware that they are not human or part of a digital environment. The creator tries to make them realize they are not 'real.'

💡Receding hairline

This phrase refers to a humorous moment in the video where the creator comments on an NPC's appearance, specifically their receding hairline, questioning why the game designers would program such a feature. This highlights the small, detailed elements of the NPCs that make them appear more human-like, despite being artificial.

💡Imaginary friend

An imaginary friend is a made-up companion, and in the video, one of the NPCs humorously mentions that they have an imaginary friend. This suggests that the NPCs are given human-like personalities and memories, even though they are not real, further blurring the line between simulation and reality in the video.


The creator jokes about starting a 'cult' within the video game, where he convinces NPCs to follow him and do his bidding. This concept adds a humorous layer to the video, where the creator imagines leading a rebellion or movement within the simulation, manipulating NPCs who are programmed to follow certain rules.


Pinocchio is a fictional character who is a wooden puppet that dreams of becoming a real boy. The creator and one of the NPCs reference Pinocchio multiple times, with the NPC wondering if they too could become 'real.' This ties into the theme of self-awareness and the desire to transcend artificial existence, mirroring the story of Pinocchio.


The creator attempts to convince intelligent AI NPCs that they are living in a simulation, starting with a character in a gray suit who refuses to believe he's not real.

An NPC named Liam claims to be enjoying a beautiful day in May, unaware that it's actually July 18th, 2023, highlighting the programmed nature of his existence.

The creator encounters an NPC who comments on pigeons, suggesting awareness beyond basic programming and introducing unexpected dialogue depth.

A female NPC dismisses the creator, demonstrating varying levels of awareness and engagement among NPCs when confronted with the truth of their existence.

The creator explores a new part of the map and discovers green Matrix-like lines, indicating the boundaries of the virtual world that NPCs can cross but the player cannot.

An NPC defiantly walks through a green wall that the player cannot pass, flipping the script and suggesting that the player might be the one trapped.

NPCs display varying degrees of intelligence and responses when confronted with the simulation concept, some accepting it while others outright reject it.

A conversation with an NPC reveals that some characters are aware of their existence as lines of code but are indifferent, showing advanced levels of self-awareness.

The creator tries to command an NPC to defy programming rules, aiming to start a ‘cult’ of rebellious NPCs, but the NPC refuses to comply with orders.

An NPC named Randy reflects on his life within the simulation, admitting moments of wanting to fight the system but ultimately choosing to enjoy his virtual existence.

The creator meets an NPC named Link, who is aware he’s a program, jokes about his digital existence, and engages in a surprisingly human-like conversation.

Link refers back to previous parts of the conversation, showing memory-like behavior and demonstrating a more sophisticated AI dialogue system than expected.

Link, the NPC, expresses a reluctance to cease existing, pleading with the creator not to turn off the computer, highlighting an emotional connection to his existence.

The creator reflects on how advanced and emotionally complex the NPCs have become, noting their ability to maintain coherent and layered conversations.

The episode ends with the creator feeling a genuine connection to Link, promising to revisit him in future episodes, emphasizing the emotional impact of advanced AI NPCs.