5 MUST-KNOW LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers!

Jeff Su
31 May 202208:10

TLDRThis video offers 5 essential LinkedIn profile tips for job seekers to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. Tips include optimizing profile picture and cover photo with tools like Remove BG and Canva, crafting a headline that reflects value, incorporating relevant keywords in the 'About' section, correctly adding five endorsed skills, and using a custom LinkedIn URL for better SEO. Following these tips can significantly increase visibility and job opportunities.


  • 🌟 All-Star LinkedIn profiles are 40 times more likely to be contacted by recruiters and 18 times more likely to appear in hiring managers' search results.
  • 🔍 Turn off the visibility of your LinkedIn activity to make changes without alerting your network.
  • 📸 Add a high-quality profile picture where you're smiling and a cover photo using tools like Remove BG and Canva for a professional look.
  • 🏷️ Your headline should match your job title and include a sentence that shows the value you bring to future employers.
  • 🔑 Include relevant keywords in your LinkedIn about section to improve your visibility in recruiter and hiring manager searches.
  • 📈 Use a word cloud generator to find common keywords from job descriptions to include in your profile.
  • 📈 Structure your about section with an intro line, specific examples with metrics, and the opportunities you're seeking.
  • 💼 Add five skills to your profile and get endorsements, especially from people with those same skills for added weight.
  • 🔗 Use a custom LinkedIn URL that makes sense and improves your profile's SEO.
  • 📈 A custom URL in your resume and email signature can increase the chances of hearing back from employers.
  • 📝 After optimizing your profile, learn best practices for messaging recruiters on LinkedIn.

Q & A

  • Why is having an All-Star LinkedIn profile important for job seekers?

    -All-Star profiles are 40 times more likely to be contacted by recruiters and 18 times more likely to show up in hiring managers' search results, making them crucial for job seekers.

  • What is the sneaky bonus tip for job seekers regarding LinkedIn activity visibility?

    -The bonus tip is to navigate to settings and privacy, then visibility, and turn off the option to share profile updates with the network to avoid alerting colleagues while making changes.

  • How should a high-quality LinkedIn profile picture be taken?

    -The profile picture should include a photo where you're smiling at the camera with your chest in the frame, and the background can be sorted out later.

  • What is the purpose of using Remove BG and Canva for profile pictures?

    -Remove BG is used to create a photo without a background, and Canva is used to edit the photo and add a nice, clean background or effects to enhance the profile picture.

  • What are the steps to create a LinkedIn cover photo using Canva?

    -Create a design on Canva, search for LinkedIn banner, select the 1500 pixel option, choose a template, edit it, and then download it to upload to LinkedIn.

  • Why should your LinkedIn headline include the value you bring to future employers?

    -Including the value you bring in your headline helps you stand out among peers and shows recruiters and hiring managers what you can offer.

  • How can job seekers find relevant keywords for their LinkedIn about section?

    -Job seekers can find relevant keywords by looking at job descriptions, pasting them into a Google Doc, and using a word cloud generator to identify frequently occurring terms.

  • What is the recommended structure for the LinkedIn about section?

    -The recommended structure includes an intro line with years of experience and specific value, followed by three specific examples with quantifiable metrics, and closing with the types of opportunities sought.

  • Why is it important to add skills to your LinkedIn profile and how should you do it?

    -Adding skills is important because LinkedIn only counts skills with endorsements, and having five endorsed skills satisfies the All-Star requirement. Pick skills from a word cloud and get endorsements from your network.

  • What are the benefits of using a custom LinkedIn URL?

    -A custom LinkedIn URL makes sense on resumes, increasing the chance of hearing back from employers by 71%, and it helps with SEO, improving the profile's ranking in search results.

  • How can job seekers optimize their LinkedIn profile for better visibility?

    -Job seekers can optimize their profile by having a high-quality profile picture and cover photo, a compelling headline, relevant keywords in the about section, endorsed skills, and a custom URL.



😀 Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Search

The paragraph emphasizes the importance of an All-Star LinkedIn profile for job seekers, highlighting that such profiles are 40 times more likely to be contacted by recruiters and 18 times more likely to appear in search results. It introduces five tips that are often perceived as difficult but are easy to implement. The video's host, Jeff, offers a sneaky tip to adjust settings for privacy, allowing viewers to make profile changes without notifying their network. The first tip is to add a high-quality profile picture and cover photo, suggesting the use of tools like Remove BG and Canva for editing. Detailed instructions are provided for enhancing the photos with various editing techniques to make them stand out.


🔍 Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Visibility

This section focuses on optimizing the LinkedIn profile for better visibility to recruiters and hiring managers. It discusses the importance of having a compelling headline that includes the job title and the value one brings, using the example of a product marketing manager at Google. The paragraph also covers the necessity of including relevant keywords in the 'About' section, derived from job descriptions, to improve searchability. A structured approach to the 'About' section is suggested, along with an example for a student. The paragraph concludes with advice on adding the right skills to the profile and the benefits of having a custom LinkedIn URL, which can improve the profile's SEO and increase the chances of getting responses from employers.



💡All-Star LinkedIn Profile

An All-Star LinkedIn profile is a fully completed profile that ranks higher in search results and increases the likelihood of being contacted by recruiters. This concept is central to the video, as it discusses how job seekers can enhance their profiles to reach this status.

💡Profile Picture and Cover Photo

Having a high-quality profile picture and cover photo is essential for a professional LinkedIn profile. The video emphasizes using tools like Remove BG and Canva to create visually appealing images that make users stand out.


A LinkedIn headline should not only state your job title but also communicate the value you bring. The video suggests adding a brief, catchy sentence summarizing your unique contribution to stand out among peers.


Keywords are important for improving visibility in LinkedIn searches by recruiters. The video explains how job seekers can identify relevant keywords from job descriptions and use them in their profile’s About section to increase their chances of appearing in search results.

💡About Section

The About section is a critical part of a LinkedIn profile where users describe their experience and skills. The video suggests structuring it with keywords, quantifiable metrics, and examples of achievements to make it more effective.


Skills are another key element for improving LinkedIn profiles. According to the video, only skills with endorsements count towards profile strength, and it is important to choose five relevant skills and get endorsements from colleagues.


Endorsements are validations from LinkedIn connections that support your listed skills. The video emphasizes that getting endorsements, particularly from people with the same skills, increases credibility and profile strength.

💡Custom LinkedIn URL

A custom LinkedIn URL improves a profile’s visibility in search engines and makes the link easier to share. The video highlights that customizing your URL is a simple step that enhances your profile’s SEO and makes it look more professional.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO refers to the process of optimizing online content to increase visibility in search engines. In the context of LinkedIn, the video explains how optimizing a profile with keywords and a custom URL improves its ranking in searches by recruiters.

💡Word Cloud Generator

A word cloud generator helps visualize the most common keywords from job descriptions. The video demonstrates how to use this tool to identify relevant keywords to include in your LinkedIn profile.


All-Star LinkedIn profiles are 40 times more likely to be contacted by recruiters.

All-Star profiles are 18 times more likely to appear in hiring managers' search results.

There are nine items to achieve All-Star status on LinkedIn.

Five key tips will be covered to optimize your LinkedIn profile for job seekers.

Turn off sharing profile updates with the network to avoid alerting colleagues.

Add a high-quality profile picture with your chest in the frame and a smile.

Use Remove BG to create a professional photo without a distracting background.

Edit your photo with Canva for a clean and professional look.

Create a cover photo using a LinkedIn banner template on Canva.

Your headline should match your job title and the value you bring.

Summarize your job in one sentence to stand out among peers.

Include relevant keywords in your LinkedIn about section to improve visibility.

Use job descriptions to find keywords and include them in your profile.

Add five skills to your profile and get endorsements for them.

Endorsements from people with the same skills carry more weight.

Use a custom LinkedIn URL to improve SEO and make it easy for recruiters to find you.

A custom URL can increase your chances of hearing back from employers.

Add your LinkedIn URL to your email signature for easy access.