Live Dubbing a Confused Ace Attorney AI

1 Apr 202113:08

TLDRIn a chaotic and surreal courtroom scene, Phoenix Wright defends Larry Butts against accusations of clown murder, but the situation spirals into absurdity. Witnesses, including clowns, magicians, and even the alleged victim, provide baffling testimonies filled with wild twists and bizarre revelations. As Phoenix and prosecutor Miles Edgeworth attempt to piece together the puzzle, strange accusations emerge, like stepfamily feuds and a mysterious masked woman. Amidst clashing alibis and new evidence, the truth grows increasingly murky, leaving the audience wondering who the real culprit might be in this confusing yet hilarious courtroom drama.


  • 😀 The defense calls Larry Butts to the stand, who struggles to give coherent testimony.
  • 😂 Larry claims he lives with his mother because he was born there, but his birth certificate says he was born in New York.
  • 😅 A clown murder is introduced, and Larry is accused of being involved.
  • 🤔 Phoenix Wright tries to defend Larry, who insists he is not lying but his story is full of contradictions.
  • 🙄 The clown 'Hunky Honkers' is revealed to be alive, accusing Phoenix Wright of being dangerous.
  • 😆 A mysterious magician is suspected of being involved in the events, adding confusion to the case.
  • 🤯 Edgeworth is called to the stand and reveals he was not present at the time of the murder, but suspicions arise.
  • 😨 Larry's alibi is weak, and he is accused of being guilty of the crime.
  • 🙃 The real twist reveals that Daphne, Larry's fiancée, may have hired a magician for the murder.
  • 😱 In the end, Phoenix Wright attempts to unravel a conspiracy involving a police officer framing Larry.

Q & A

  • What is the main setting of this scene?

    -The main setting is a courtroom, where Phoenix Wright is defending his client Larry Butts in a highly absurd and comedic trial.

  • Who is Larry Butts, and what is his connection to the case?

    -Larry Butts is the defendant in the trial, accused of murdering a clown named Honky Hunkers. He is also the stepfather of one of the witnesses.

  • Why is the clown, Honky Hunkers, involved in the case?

    -Honky Hunkers is supposedly the murder victim, but in a bizarre twist, he appears in court to declare that he is alive and accuses Phoenix Wright of being a danger to society.

  • What role does the magician play in this case?

    -A mysterious magician is suspected of being involved in the murder, and the testimony hints at his dark sense of humor and possibly hiring someone to commit the crime. However, the magician later claims that no actual murder occurred.

  • Why does Phoenix Wright accuse Daphne, Larry's fiancée, of the crime?

    -Phoenix Wright accuses Daphne of being the person who hired the magician to kill Honky Hunkers, stating that she tried to take Larry home to cover up the crime.

  • How does the prosecution link Larry Butts to the crime scene?

    -The prosecution presents evidence from a witness who saw a masked man, identified as Larry Butts, near the scene of the accident where the murder supposedly occurred.

  • What is the significance of the letter mentioned in the trial?

    -The letter, written by Larry Butts' daughter Rita, claims that Larry received a threatening phone call from the victim two days before the crime, adding a new layer of complexity to the case.

  • Who is revealed to be Daphne, and why is this significant?

    -It is revealed that Daphne is actually the victim, Honky Hunkers, and this revelation further complicates the already chaotic trial.

  • Why does the magician claim that the victim is still alive?

    -The magician claims that the victim is alive and being held at the police station. He says he avoided being arrested because a police officer framed him and tipped him off.

  • What does Phoenix Wright imply about the police involvement in the case?

    -Phoenix suggests that the police were involved in framing the magician, which adds another layer of conspiracy to the case, implying that the murder may not have actually taken place.



🎭 Courtroom Drama Unfolds with Larry Butts on Trial

The courtroom scene begins with Larry Butts being called to the witness stand. He states he lives with his mother and offers confusing explanations regarding his birthplace. The prosecutor accuses him of lying, claiming Larry has committed murder. Larry vehemently denies the accusations, stating his desire to become a detective and claiming he moved to New York for a better life. The prosecution pushes further, accusing Larry of killing a clown, but the defense rebuts the claim. The confusion escalates when a clown named Hunky Hunkers interrupts, declaring himself the supposed murder victim, while Larry continues to protest his innocence.


😱 A Mysterious Testimony from a Surprising Witness

The case intensifies as Henry, a mysterious witness, testifies, claiming his stepfather, Larry Butts, killed the famous clown Hunker H Moose. Henry explains his motive to bring justice to the murder of his mother’s beloved clown. However, he admits he has no concrete evidence and mentions an anonymous caller who claimed to be a magician. The situation becomes more puzzling as a car accident involving Larry is discussed. The witness's vague details about the accident and the involvement of a magician raise more questions, especially about Larry's innocence and whether others, like his girlfriend Daphne, are implicated.


🔎 Shocking Confession and Revelations in Court

As the trial moves forward, shocking revelations unfold. Daphne admits to hiring the magician responsible for the mysterious events, but her testimony conflicts with her alibi. New evidence emerges, including a photograph proving Daphne was with Larry at a photo studio, but the timing doesn’t match. The defense introduces a letter suggesting that Larry received a threatening call before the crime, and a surprising twist reveals that Daphne is the victim in disguise. The real identity of the magician is also exposed as a notorious criminal who has been evading justice for years. The trial reaches a critical moment as the magician admits to being framed by the police.



💡Phoenix Wright

Phoenix Wright is the main character, a defense attorney who takes on difficult cases to prove his client's innocence. In this script, he is depicted as involved in a bizarre and humorous trial involving a clown murder.

💡Larry Butts

Larry Butts is a recurring character in the Ace Attorney series, often depicted as a friend of Phoenix Wright. Here, he is called to testify and provide an alibi but is portrayed as confused and emotionally unstable, which contributes to the comedic element of the script.


The clown, referred to as 'Honky Hunkers,' is supposedly the murder victim in this strange trial. His murder becomes a central mystery, though the trial takes various unexpected turns, and ultimately, it’s revealed that he may not be dead after all.


Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright's rival and a prosecutor, is portrayed here as both the prosecutor and a potential suspect. His role is complicated and adds an element of rivalry and mystery as the characters attempt to solve the case.


An alibi is a piece of evidence that shows where a person was at the time a crime took place. In the script, various characters provide or question alibis, which creates tension and confusion in determining the actual events.


The magician is a mysterious figure tied to the crime. Various characters mention a magician with dark powers, leading to more confusion and humorous exchanges about magic, dark arts, and even demon summoning.

💡Dark Arts

This term refers to supernatural powers and skills related to magic, often associated with summoning demons. It’s mentioned humorously in the script, with one character claiming to be a master of dark arts but denying the ability to summon demons.


Testimony is the statement a witness gives in court. This script features various testimonies that range from confusing to bizarre, adding to the humor as characters make conflicting and unlikely claims about the events.

💡Hunker H. Moose

Hunker H. Moose is the supposed victim in the trial. His character adds a layer of absurdity, as the trial revolves around determining his fate and questioning witnesses about their relationship to him.

💡Prosecution and Defense

The prosecution, led by Edgeworth, argues that Larry Butts is guilty, while Phoenix Wright, as the defense attorney, tries to prove his innocence. Their dynamic and interactions drive the story, showcasing the humor and twists in this fictional courtroom.


The defense calls Larry Butts to the stand, who lives with his mother despite being 20 years old.

The witness, Larry, is accused of lying about his birthplace, claiming he was born in New York despite contradictory evidence.

A clown is brought up as a key figure, revealing the bizarre nature of the case.

Larry claims to have moved to New York to pursue a career as a detective, adding an unexpected layer to his testimony.

The judge questions the credibility of the clown, marking a surreal shift in the trial's tone.

Larry Butts is accused of being involved in the murder of a clown named Honker H. Moose.

A mysterious figure claims to know 'everything' due to their mastery of the dark arts.

The trial takes a strange turn with accusations of demon summoning and magical abilities.

Larry Butts is alleged to have hired a magician for sabotage, complicating the murder plot further.

Daphne, Larry's fiancée, becomes a key witness, revealing critical information about the murder.

A masked man with a sword is introduced as a potential suspect in the crime.

The trial suggests the possibility of framing, with a bartender's testimony casting doubt on Edgeworth's alibi.

A new witness is called to testify that implicates Daphne as the real culprit behind the murder.

The twist that Larry's daughter is actually Daphne, the magician's apprentice, shocks the court.

The final revelation that the real murderer may be connected to a conspiracy within the police department.